Monday, October 02, 2006

Great Grandparents Brag Too

As if we didn't already brag a bunch on our 11 grandchildren, we now have a great grandchild to begin our bragging anew. Ethan just turned 3 months old and after retrieving these pictures from Websters Dictionary under cute we are as proud as can be.
I'm sure his dad Eric, our oldest grandchild, and his lovely wife Summer are as prejudiced as us and they have a right to be :-).
The only problem is that we haven't seen him yet because he is in Texas and we are in Alabama. We were planning on a trip out there but one thing after another prevents it but they will be here on Thanksgiving day and I'm sure he will get his share of attention then.

1 comment:

Tattycat said...

Too precious! Eric looks good and Summer is real cute. Hope they are both feeling well. I know you can't wait for them to get here with your "real" great-grandchild!