We were surprised yesterday with a visit of mommy turkey with her 5 poults.
This is Mom telling her poults to follow her
Mom leads her troop to the woods slowly. I couldn't get a picture of the whole group .
She didn't appear frightened but just a little apprehensive as I got closer.
I bet they don't show up close to Thanksgiving Day.
For more and better pictures of this flock, click the "BrasherGirl" link on left.
You've got turkeys, mom has a santa claus melon, and it's almost 100° outside. I'm so confused! Should we be preparing for Thanksgiving, Christmas, or the Fourth of July?
What a dilemma. Lets just celebrate "National Lasagna Day" .
Happy National Lasagna Day!
Lasagna Day sounds great to me! Yahoo! Wait, who's making the lasagna? LOL
The pictures of the turkeys are amazing!
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