Monday, May 14, 2007

Our new Grand Bird

I suppose you could say our family has grown again (in a way) This is Moses, our Grandbird : -)
Our middle daughter is so kind hearted that she just couldn't look the other way when she saw this poor bird on the ground, alone and hungry, with no nest in sight. It was just skin and bone until she nursed it back to health. It still has a bare spot but is rapidly going away.
She did research to learn what to feed it and she tenderly acts as its mother feeding it with tweezers. We think this one is a starling but not positive. This isn't the first bird that she raised till grown and able to fly away.
I believe she should have been a veterinarian and I'm sure she would have been a good one.

1 comment:

Tattycat said...

What a darling baby bird and a sweet, selfless thing to do! You have raised four valuable members of society. I know you are proud! I don't believe I have every seen on with a beak like this!